Request To Join Boot Camp

Do you want to lose up to a stone in weight, tone up those wobbly bits and feel better in your clothes?

Here's a reminder of what you get:

  • A week by week guide to have you feeling slimmer, stronger, fitter and more toned 
  • Weekly weigh ins to keep you on track
  • FREE running club
  • FREE 30 days of fast fat loss recipe book detox plan, nutrition coaching for the duration of the course
  • FREE 30 Home training workouts to maximise results
  • Email and home support

30 Days of Extreme Fat Loss only £30 

Can also pay per session £5 depending on availability.


Warrington University Academy (old padgate high) Tuesdays and Thursdays 7-8pm

Saturday 5km-10km runs 10am at Woolston Weir includes hill run and OCR prep 

Cheshire Martial Arts (boxercise bootcamp) Sundays 5-6pm  

 Please reserve your place as places fill up fast! You will also receive a information pack with all the terms and conditions, what you need to bring, health questionnaires and other starts up forms.