Do you feel like your training but not really achieving anything?

Are you finding exercise more of an inconveniece than a pleasure? 

Fed up of pacing away at the treadmill but not feeling like your getting any fitter?

My Bootcamp family consists of around 15 regular attenders some of these people have been coming for a year and lost 4 stone. Others have come on leaps and bounds in there fitness and strength, from not being able to run to then taking part in a number of events around the country.

 They meet up out of bootcamp for runs, workouts and social nights out. This close circuit of friends (who all met from bootcamp) help support newbies to the group as they once the member who turned up on thier own nervous of what was about to happen, scared if they were going to be the 'fat' one or the one that wouldnt know what they are doing. . 

 Our sessions are varied each week so you never get bored, we push you but understand if you have injuries or may need to go at your own pace sometimes. The changes to your body and fitness can be seen in a matter of weeks, you also get educated on nutirion and how to train on your own when your not at bootcamp. Support 24/7 not just at bootcamp. 


Events calender:

Stroke Resolution Run Delamere Forest 5km, 10km or 15km  TBC February

 Rock and Roll 5km, Half Marathon or Marathon 20th May 

Total Warrior 10km Obstace Course Race Lake District 4th August

If you would like to join us in one of these fantastic events whether it be for charity or your own personal challenge please fill out form below so that you can stay in touch with the upcoming events or join our free running club or bootcamps to help you train for the event. I will look forward to having you as part of the team soon.


Contact me to find out how I can help with your training

Have you done a race or event before?