There are far more than 10 reasons to do Pilates. For example, reduced back pain, better sleep and better sex. These aren't even on this list, but they could be. I'm starting with 10 because I want to inspire you and give you the opportunity to follow-up on the aspects of Pilates training that interest you. My personal list of the benefits of Pilates could reach way past 20 items. But start here and see what you think. Is Pilates right for you?
1. Pilates is Whole-Body Fitness
2. Adaptable to Many Fitness Levels and Needs
3. Creates Strength Without Bulk
4. Increases Flexibility
5. Develops Core Strength
6. Improves Posture
7. Increases Energy
9. Increases Awareness - Body/Mind Connection
10. Perfect flat toned tum, great for improving the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor after child birth.
This course includes:a free training program for your own home.
I am a Qualified and experienced Advanced Pilates instructor there to help support you every step of your way.
Exercises will be adapted for people with injuries or illnesses.
Sessions are held in Cheshire Martial Arts Studio 6-7pm Sundays.
Book your place online. Course cost is £60 for 6 weeks or £15 per session. Once you have booked your place you will receive a information pack.