PhD Diet Whey is the ideal choice of supplement for those who want to increase lean muscle without gaining any unwanted fat. This is a high-protein meal with a difference and its precision slow releasing protein blend ensures that you will experience no hunger pains or energy crashes during the day. By containing various potential fat-loss ingredients which may assist with the building of fat-free muscle, Diet Whey is the perfect diet shake for anyone wanting more muscle and less fat.

You will not find any added sugar or maltodextrin in Diet Whey because any drink that claims to support fat loss and muscle definition should not contain simple sugars. PhD Diet Whey contains the PhD 'Enduragain' Low-GI, slow burning carbohydrate formula which is derived from Waxy Barley and will provide you with a sustained release of high quality carbohydrates throughout the day.

Each serving of Diet Whey will provide you with enough protein, carbohydrates, fibre and essential fats to ensure satiety for up to 3-4 hours.

What else is featured within Diet Whey?

PhD Iso-Tone 4: a vital athlete-support system containing antioxidants, fat-loss agents and EFA's
L-Carnitine: an amino acid that is essential to the metabolising of body fat
CLA, used worldwide to support fat-loss and provide vital support to a restricted-calorie diet
Green Tea Extract, a strong antioxidant to assist with the thermogenic effect of Diet Whey
Essential Fatty Acids, for optimum health, vitality and weight-loss
What are the other product highlights?

35g Protein
Less than 7g Carbs, only 2g Sugar
With CLA / L-Carnitine / Flaxseed / Green Tea
Contains Waxy Vol
Slow Release Protein Blend and Low GI-carbs
5 Great Flavours

PHD Diet Whey

£ 23 

Pure quality whey with added fat burning magic, CLA, L caritine, green tea extract and flax seed. 

Have this for a quick and easy breakfast, healthy snack or post workout


Belgium chocolate

Chocolate Orange




£ 5.99 

Can also collect in person for free